Ispconfig 3 Manual Pdf

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According to the 3 levels the manual is split into 3 sections: I Administrator. PDF format as well as links to the knowledgebase on the Projektfarm website.

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1 ISPConfig Documentation

2 ISPConfig Documentation I Table of Contents General What is ISPConfig? Terms and structure of the manual Installation/Upgrade/Deinstallation Installation Upgrade Deinstallation Login and Logout..2 I Administrator Manual General Login and Password ISPConfig Interface for Server Administrators ISPConfig Privileges for Server Administrators Saving Changing the ISPConfig Password Language Settings Display of Passwords in the ISPConfig System Help General Settings Server Settings (Software) Server Status (Hardware and Statistics) Database Backup Services (Monitoring and Firewall) Update Manager Resellers Adding a Reseller Edit Reseller Data Service Actions for Resellers Customers Manage Sites DNS Entries Statistics Reseller Statistics Customer Statistics Site Statistics Webalizer Statistics Web FTP/Password Protection of Directories (.htaccess/.htpasswd) Additional Software Webmail phpmyadmin..28 Appendix Start/Stop the ISPConfig System Start/Stop vsftpd Cron Jobs Permissions of Folders in a Web created by ISPConfig..29 I

3 ISPConfig Documentation II Table of Contents I Administrator Manual 5 Manual Additions in Configuration Files..30 II Reseller Manual General Login and Password Interface for Resellers ISPConfig Privileges for Resellers Saving Changing the ISPConfig Password Language Settings Display of Passwords in the ISPConfig System Help Customers Add a Customer Edit Customer Data Sites Adding a Site Edit Sites Hostingplans General Management Functions Folders The Search Function Recycle Bin Statistics Customer Statistics Web Statistics Webalizer Statistics Web FTP/Password Protection of Directories (.htaccess/.htpasswd) Salutatory s and Standard Index Pages..47 III Customer Manual General Login and Password Customer Interface ISPConfig Privileges for Customers Saving Changing the ISPConfig Password Language Settings Display of Passwords in the ISPConfig System Help Sites Basic Data of a Site Users & Co Domains SSL Certificate..62 II

4 ISPConfig Documentation III Table of Contents III Customer Manual 2.5 MySQL Database Options Customer Statistics Site Statistics Webalizer Statistics Web FTP/Password Protection of Directories (.htaccess/.htpasswd) Show Directory Contents File Properties Directory Properties File Upload Create a Folder Delete Files and Folders Additional Software Webmail phpmyadmin..72 Appendix Correlation Webquota < > Mailquota..73 III

5 General 1 What is ISPConfig? ISPConfig is a software package that permits the easy management of servers, webspace, resellers and single virtual hosts. ISPConfig consists of 3 levels: ISPConfig for server administrators allows the management of servers, webspace, resellers and customers. ISPConfig for resellers allows the management of webspace, customers and virtual hosts (sites). ISPConfig for webmasters allows the management of sites, co domains and mailboxes. 2 Terms and structure of the manual According to the 3 levels the manual is split into 3 sections: I Administrator Manual describes the services available for server administrators. II Reseller Manual describes the services available for resellers. III Customer Manual describes the services available for customers. Please note: This structure does not mean that each section is independent from each other. Level I contains levels II and III and level II contains level III. For a better overview the manuals I and II include links to the applications that are available in the respective sub levels and that are described there. 3 Installation/Upgrade/Deinstallation 3.1 Installation In order to install ISPConfig please read the installation manual. The installation manual is available in the following formats: HTML. 3.2 Upgrade You can update the ISPConfig system from one version to another if these versions belong to the same main version (e.g. 1.x; i.e., you can update from version to version 1.2.0). Please download your wanted ISPConfig version to your server and proceed as if it was a new installation, not an update. The installation routine will notice that there is already a ISPConfig system on the server and will execute the necessary steps for the upgrade. 1

6 ISPConfig Documentation Deinstallation If you want to deinstall the ISPConfig system please login to the server as root on the command line and execute the following command: /root/ispconfig/uninstall The uninstaller gives you the following options to select from: Partial Deinstallation: Only the ISPConfig system itself will be uninstalled, but not the webs, users, DNS records etc. created by it. Complete Deinstallation: The ISPConfig system and also the objects created by it (webs, users, DNS records, etc.) will be uninstalled. 4 Login and Logout Logging into the ISPConfig system is described in the respective manuals (chapter 1.1 in the manuals I III). To log out, click on 'Logout'in the menu. 2

7 I Administrator Manual 1 General 1.1 Login and Password Please go to the URL of your ISPConfig system (e.g. or replace ' appropriately) with your Browser and enter your user name and your password into the form 'Login'. Confirm by clicking on 'Login'. 1.2 ISPConfig Interface for Server Administrators The administrator's interface consists of the following sections: Menu with the areas 'Management', 'ISP Manager', 'DNS Manager', 'Web FTP', 'ISP Invoice', 'Tools', 'Help' and 'Logout'. Buttons: Directly beneath the menu there are buttons for actions like New reseller, New client, etc. What buttons are shown depends on the section you are in, e.g. ISP Manager or DNS Manager. The sections Management and Logout do not have buttons. Structure tree / storage system: The structure tree is the storage system of the ISPConfig manager. Depending on the chosen menu the following items are shown: server data, resellers, customers, sites, users (ISP Manager) and the DNS service (DNS Manager). 3

8 ISPConfig Documentation 4 Information field 'Server Status': The information field 'Server Status' is visible in the middle of the screen after logging in. It shows the hardware status of your processor(s), the usage of the server's drives and partitions, RAM and the status of the server services (e.g. Apache web server) (see chapter I 2.2). 1.3 ISPConfig Privileges for Server Administrators The privileges of a ISPConfig administrator include those of a reseller and a customer, i.e. as administrator you can execute actions belonging to a reseller or customer without having to login again. Privileges of a ISPConfig administrator Change server properties Create and administrate resellers, read their statistics Create backups of the ISPConfig database Edit DNS entries Privileges of a reseller Create and administrate customers, read their statistics Create and administrate webs Create DNS entries Privileges of a customer Read a web's basic data and statistics Create and administrate users and boxes Create and administrate (sub)domains Apply for SSL certificates (optional) Administrate MySQL access data Privileges of a user Change the settings of his mailbox (password, spamfilter and antivirus settings) 4

9 ISPConfig Documentation Saving The ISPConfig system offers you two possibilities to save data you enter into a form: 'Save' Button: Click onto the 'Save' button to save your entries. The information will be submitted, and the structure tree as well as the start page will be reloaded in your browser. Change the tab: If a form consists of more than one tab you can simply change the tab to save your data. The data of the old tab will be saved, and the new tab will be loaded, whereas the structure tree will not be reloaded. This technique of saving data allows you to process forms with more than one tab in one pass and is one of the main characteristics of ISPConfig. 1.5 Changing the ISPConfig Password You can edit your ISPConfig password under 'Tools' > 'Change Password'. Please enter your current and your new password (2x) into the form 'Change Password' and click on 'Save'. 5

10 ISPConfig Documentation Language Settings You can set the language of your ISPConfig system under 'Tools' > 'Change Language'. In the form 'Change Language' select the language the system should use for you and click on 'Save'. Please note: The language setting only affects your own account. Other users of the ISPConfig system (such as resellers or customers) can select their language individually. 1.7 Display of Passwords in the ISPConfig System Passwords that you entered in the ISPConfig system (e.g. reseller or customer passwords for accessing the ISPConfig system; passwords for customers' MySQL databases) will not be displayed in the ISPConfig system for security reasons after they were saved! Thus, an empty password field in a ISPConfig form does not mean that no password was entered before. 6

11 ISPConfig Documentation 7 An existing password does not get displayed after the reload of the respective form. 1.8 Help Click onto the menu item 'Help'. Here you will find the administrator, reseller and customer manual in English and German in PDF format as well as links to the knowledgebase on the Projektfarm website. In addition to that you can find a question mark next to many input fields in the ISPConfig system: If you click on the question mark a small pop up window with context sensitive help will open. 7

12 ISPConfig Documentation 8 2 General Settings 2.1 Server Settings (Software) Depending on your server some settings are done automatically at installation time of ISPConfig. Further settings have to be done manually: To view the general settings or make changes, click on the menu 'Management', open the folder 'Server' and click on the document 'Settings'. Server Name: The default value is Server 1. This can be changed to whatever value you want. Hostname: The default value is www. Domain: The domain under which the ISPConfig system can be reached. IP Address: Enter your IP address here. Netmask: Enter the netmask of your server. Admin The address of the person that should get a message from the ISPConfig system if one of the services on the server (e.g. web server) fails. IP List: If your server has more than IP address (the one entered in the field 'IP Address') enter the additional IP addresses here (one per line). Important: The network will be configured according to the data in 'IP Address' and 'IP List' (this feature is available under Linux only)! Do not enter nonsensical information as this could lead to your server not being accessible from the outside! Site: The virtual site's properties are set to default values. FTP: The FTP properties are set to default values. Activate 'Save Log' if the FTP log file should be saved after the nightly traffic analysis. The log file will then be saved with the extension '.ispconfigsave' in the same directory. Otherwise it will be deleted! 8

13 ISPConfig Documentation 9 The properties are set to default values. For the traffic to be analyzed correctly please check if the path and name of the log file is correct. Activate 'Save Log' if the log file should be saved after the nightly traffic analysis. The log file will then be saved with the extension '.ispconfigsave' in the same directory. Otherwise it will be deleted! If you want to use mailboxes in the Maildir format (in contrast to the traditional Unix Mailbox format), activate 'Maildir'. Attention: If you do this during normal operation it is possible that s that have not been fetched from the server yet cannot be accessed anymore (only after the previous value of 'Maildir' has been re established). It is best to change this value when there are no users on the system or when you are sure that there are no s in users' inboxes at the time of the change. Specify the address under 'Antivirus Admin' to which notifications about identified viruses in s should be sent. Activate 'Spamfilter', if you want to make available the spamfilter to the users on your server. DNS: The DNS properties are set to default values. Please enter the two DNS servers and the address that will be written to the DNS records generated by the ISP Manager and the DNS Manager. If you mark 'Default MX' each zone (in this example 'domain.tld') created by the DNS Manager will get an A record of the form mail A as well as an MX record of the form MX 10 mail.domain.tld. automatically. ' ' will be replaced by the respective IP address. 9

14 ISPConfig Documentation 10 Functions: If Frontpage Extensions are installed on the server you can activate them here for the ISPConfig system. If you do so and a new web is created, Frontpage can be added to that web as a feature. If you do not activate Frontpage Extensions here or if the ISPConfig system cannot find the Frontpage executable Frontpage cannot be added to a web as feature. Please note: Currently only Frontpage 2002 under Apache 1.3.x is supported! Other: Here you can specify the User ID and Group ID from which on the ISPConfig system creates users and groups. You should choose values that do not conflict with existing User IDs and Goup IDs. In addition to that you should not change these values in a ISPConfig system which already is at work! Furthermore you can specify salutatory s for customers and resellers as well as enter HTML code for your own standard index pages that will be created when a new site is created. Please note that salutatory s will only be sent if the field ' ' in the customer's/reseller's master data contains a valid address. 2.2 Server Status (Hardware and Statistics) The hardware data of your server is loaded into the ISPConfig system at installation time. In addition to the hardware data the ISPConfig system gives some information about the status and usage of the server. This information is visible in 2 places: In the information field 'Server Status' that appears upon login or by clicking on 'ISP Manager'. It is also visible under 'Management' in the folder 'Server'. There you need to click on 'Status'. The following information is available: Server Online since: Shows how long the server has been online. Users Online: Shows how many users are currently logged into the server. CPU Usage: Shows the average usage of the processor in the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes. Drive/File Usage: Shows the total size, the used and unused part, the usage in percent as well as the name of the drive. RAM: Shows the free RAM in KB. CPU: Shows the hardware information of the server's processor. Services: Shows the status of the following services: HTTP server (Apache), FTP server, SMTP server, BIND server and MySQL server. 2.3 Database Backup The data of all resellers, customers, sites, domains, users and addresses is saved in the ISPConfig database. Thus it is highly recommended to make a database backup at regular intervals, to check, to optimize and if necessary to repair the database. 10

15 ISPConfig Documentation 11 This is how you can access the database functions: Click on the menu 'Management'. In the structure tree click on 'ISPConfig database'. Backup Data: A backup of the ISPConfig database is created. Check Database: By clicking on 'Check Database' you receive a list of all database tables with their status, i.e. 'OK' or 'damaged'. Optimize Database: By clicking on 'Optimize Database' you can optimize the tables in the ISPConfig database. As a result you get a list of all tables with the status 'OK' if the optimization has taken place or with the status 'Table is already up to date', if optimization is not necessary. Repair Database: By clicking on 'Repair Database' damaged tables in the ISPConfig database are repaired. This is indicated by the status 'OK'. 2.4 Services (Monitoring and Firewall) The ISPConfig system allows you to start/stop/restart services, to monitor services (if a monitored service fails a warning will be sent to the administrator; see chapter I 2.1, 'Admin ') and to setup a firewall (in case either iptables or ipchains is available on your system). Click on 'Management' > 'Server' > 'Services'. The form 'ISP Services' will be opened with the tabs 'Services', 'Monitoring' and 'Firewall' Start/Stop/Restart Services In the tab 'Services' you can see the status of some important services on the server (online/offline), and you have the possibility to start/stop/restart services. Please confirm your 11

16 ISPConfig Documentation 12 changes by clicking on the 'Save' button or by going to another tab (see chapter I 1.4 'Saving') Monitor Services Under 'Monitoring' you can specify services that are to be monitored by the ISPConfig system. The default setting is to monitor the services 'Web Server', 'FTP Server' and 'MySQL Server'. The monitoring takes place once every 30 minutes. If a service fails, an will be sent to the administrator (see chapter I 2.1, 'Admin '). Please note: If your mail server fails, no warning can be sent to the administrator! This is how you setup the monitoring of further services: Click on the button 'Add'. 12

17 ISPConfig Documentation 13 The form 'ISP Monitor' is loaded. Please enter the following information: Service: Please select the appropriate service. You have the choice between 'Webserver', 'Bind DNS', 'Mailserver', 'FTP Server', 'POP3 Server' and 'Other'. Your choice is important for the way the service will be checked for availability. Example: If you select 'Webserver' the system checks if a service of the type 'tcp' is running on the port specified by you. You can choose between 'tcp' and 'udp' under 'Type' only if you select 'Other'. The following allocation 'Service' < > 'Type' exists: Service Webserver Bind DNS Mailserver FTP Server POP3 Server Other Way of Monitoring tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp Can be selected under 'Type'. Monitoring: Yes or No. Hostname: The host on which the service should be monitored, normally 'localhost'. Port: The port on which the monitoring should take place. You have to specify a port because it could be that you have your services configured on other ports than the default 13

18 ISPConfig Documentation 14 ones. List of Standard Ports: Service Webserver 80 Bind DNS 53 Mailserver 25 FTP Server 21 POP3 Server 110 Standard Port Type: Please select the type of monitoring ('tcp' or 'udp'). This is of importance only if you have selected 'Other' under 'Service'. Then click on 'Save', or change the tab. In the tab 'Actions' you can enter a shell command which will be executed if the respective service is offline (e.g. a command to restart the service): After the information has been saved the services which are to be monitored are listed in the form 'ISP Services' in the tab 'Monitoring' and can be edited there. 14

19 ISPConfig Documentation Firewall In the tab 'Firewall' you can add new firewall rules or edit existing ones. The firewall can only be active if you have started it in the tab 'Services'. By default the firewall is inactive. There are some firewall rules implemented in the ISPConfig system by default: There are two possible conditions: 15

20 ISPConfig Documentation A port (and thus the service running on it) can be reached from the outside and is not blocked by the firewall: 'yes' is shown in the column 'Active'. 2. A port cannot be reached from the outside because it is blocked by the firewall: This is the case for all ports where 'no' is in the column 'Active' and also for all ports not listed here at all! Existing rules can be edited by clicking on the name of the rule; the button 'Add' lets you add new rules. The following information is necessary: Name: The name of the rule. For example, if you create a rule for the DNS server you can name the rule 'DNS' in order to be able to allocate it afterwards. Active: 'Yes' makes the port being reachable from the outside, 'No' blocks it. Type: The type of the port, 'tcp' or 'udp'. Port: Please enter the port (as number) for which the rule should be valid. Please note: In order to prevent that the server cannot be reached from the outside at all (not even by the administrator) the ISPConfig system lets you block all ports except port 22 (SSH) and port 81 (the ISPConfig system)! If you try to block these ports, this will be ignored by the ISPConfig system! 2.5 Update Manager You can reach the Update Manager under 'Management' > 'Update Manager' > 'Update'. It is a comfortable interface to install ISPConfig updates or tools provided by Projektfarm GmbH such as webmail, phpmyadmin or a portscanner. 16

21 ISPConfig Documentation 17 There are two ways to install updates: 1. You download the update from the Projektfarm website to your local hard disk. Then you mark 'Upload', insert the update with the 'Browse' button into the field 'File' and click on 'Start Installation'. The field 'URL' will then be ignored. 2. You install the update directly from the Projektfarm website. In order to do so mark 'URL' and insert the URL of the update in the field 'URL'. Then click on 'Start Installation'. If Projektfarm GmbH provides an MD5 for the update you can copy it into the field 'MD5'. The ISPConfig system will then compare the 'real' MD5 (which the system calculates from the update) with the MD5 you have inserted and thus check the integrity of the update. If the MD5s differ the update will not be installed. 3 Resellers You can manage resellers via the structure tree. Each reseller is shown twice in the structure tree: Reseller Management: In the folder 'Reseller' you can find the master data, the limits and access data of all resellers. This folder is visible only to the administrator. Learn how to add a new reseller in chapter I 3.1. Reseller interface: In addition to the reseller management every reseller is shown as a group of their own with 17

Ispconfig 3 Manual Pdf

22 ISPConfig Documentation 18 the sub folders 'Clients' and 'Sites' in the structure tree. This display is the same as the interface of the respective reseller. Here the administrator and the respective reseller can carry out actions related to the reseller (e.g. add customers, manage sites etc.). 3.1 Adding a Reseller Adding a reseller is done in 5 steps. 1. Step: Open the form 'ISP Reseller' Click on the button 'New reseller'. The form 'ISP Reseller' appears with the opened tab 'Master Data'. 2. Step: Assign title, folder and master data Title: Provide a title under which the new reseller should appear in the structure tree. Folder: Choose the folder 'Reseller'. Alternatively you have the possibility of creating a subfolder for the resellers which can then be chosen from here. Learn how to create folders in manual II in chapter Master Data: Under this section you can enter the master data of the new reseller. Some of this information is optional. 18

23 ISPConfig Documentation 19 Save Reseller: By clicking on 'Save' the new reseller is saved and appears in the structure tree under the title you have provided. There you can click on the new reseller to complete the missing steps. OR: By clicking on the section 'Limits' you can go directly to the next step. This way the master data is saved but the structure tree is not updated. This happens by clicking on 'Save' or by clicking on the menu 'ISP Manager'. 3. Step: Limit webspace, sites, users and domains Click on the tab 'Limits'. Sites: The value entered here represents the number of virtual hosts (sites) available to the reseller and their customers. If the reseller tries to go beyond this limit they will get an error message. The default value is 1 which means 'Unlimited'. User: Here you can limit the number of users that the reseller and their customers can create. If the reseller tries to go beyond this limit they will get an error message. The default value is 1 which means 'Unlimited'. Domains: Here you can limit the number of domains that the reseller can create. If the reseller tries to go beyond this limit they will get an error message. The default value is 1 which means 'Unlimited'. 19

24 ISPConfig Documentation 20 Domain DNS: Specifies for how many webs of the reseller the 'Create DNS' option in the respective web form is available. HTTPD Includes: If you activate this the reseller is able to write additional Apache directives into the virtual host containers of the webs that are allocated to him (see chapter II 3.1 'Apache Directives'). This might be a security threat. DNS Manager: If you activate this the reseller is allowed to use the DNS Manager in order to create and edit his own DNS records. 4. Step: Enter access information for the reseller (username and password) Click on the tab'login Data '. Username: The username of a reseller should be unique, i.e. you cannot assign the same username to 2 different resellers. Password: After you enter a password and click on 'Save' or go to another tab, the password disappears and becomes invisible. 5. Step: Save Click on 'Save'. 3.2 Edit Reseller Data Open the folder 'Reseller' in the ISPConfig structure tree and click on the reseller you want to edit so that the 'ISP Reseller' form appears. Make the desired changes and click on 'Save'. Change Title: In some cases it might be necessary to change the title of a reseller, e.g. if a second reseller with the same name (such as Miller) has appeared. 20

25 ISPConfig Documentation 21 Change Reseller Master Data: If the address, telephone number etc. of a reseller changes, you can update the reseller in the section 'Master Data' and click on 'Save'. Change Limits of Sites, Domains and Users: Decreasing the limits for webspace, sites, domains and users of a reseller is only possible if the values of the existing sites of the given reseller are in the new range. Otherwise you will get an error message. The form for editing the limits can be found in the tab 'Limits'. Change User Name and Password: The user name of a reseller can be changed in the tab 'Access Data'. After clicking on 'Save' the reseller can only login with his new user name. As long as you do not type anything in the (empty) field 'Password' the old password will still be effective. Forgot your password? / Change password: A reseller's password can be changed in the tab 'Access Data'. After clicking on 'Save' the password becomes invisible. Management of Resellers in different Folders: You can organize the resellers in different subfolders. Learn how to create subfolders in chapter II To move a reseller into another folder select the corresponding folder in the field 'Folder' at the top of the form (see chapter II 4.1.2). Delete Resellers: Open the form of the reseller you want to delete and click on 'Delete'. Please note: A reseller can only be deleted if no customers are assigned to him. If this is not the case you have to delete the reseller's customers first, or assign the customers to another reseller or to the administrator. 4 Service Actions for Resellers 4.1 Customers You can get an overview of the resellers and your own customers by viewing the structure tree: The applications affecting customers can be carried out by resellers in the ISPConfig reseller level. Thus they get touched only briefly in here. Learn more about them in the Reseller Manual. The following customer related actions can be taken: Add a new customer: Click on the button 'New Customer' and follow the steps described in chapter II 2. Assign a customer to another reseller: Open the document of the customer in the structure tree. In the field 'Group' in the form 'ISP Customer' choose the corresponding reseller or yourself as admin. In the field 'Folder' select the folder 'Customers' or another 21

26 ISPConfig Documentation 22 folder if available. Click on 'Save'. Delete a customer: Click on the customer to be deleted in the structure tree. The corresponding form opens. Click on 'Delete'. Customer Statistics: Every customer has his own statistics which can be seen in the tab 'Statistics' in the customer's form. 4.2 Manage Sites The management of the administrator's sites is done via the folder 'Sites'. Resellers' sites can be managed via the subfolder 'Sites' in the reseller's folder. Applications related to sites can also be carried out by resellers and to some extent by customers. Here is only a brief list. Reseller Level: Add a new site: ( see II 3.2) Delete a site: (see II 3.2) Change limits of sites, users and domains: (see II 3.2) Change a site's additional features: (see II 3.2) Customer Level: Adding and managing users: (see III 2.2) Adding and managing co domains: (see III 2.3) Apply for an SSL certificate: (see III 2.4) Change MySQL access data: (see III 2.5) View site statistics: (see III 3) 4.3 DNS Entries Create DNS Entries (see Reseller Manual) A DNS entry for a site or co domain is created as follows: 1. Step: Open Site Form. 22

27 ISPConfig Documentation 23 In the structure tree click on the corresponding client, go into the register 'Webs' and click on the IP address of the corresponding web. Or: Open the corresponding site in the structure tree. 2. Step: Open a co domain and activate it (optional). Go to the tab 'Co Domains' and click on the IP address of the co domain. 3. Step: Activate DNS. Check 'Create DNS' and 'Create DNS MX'. 23

28 ISPConfig Documentation Step: Save. Click on 'Save'. Now the site is visible as a new entry in the 'DNS Manager' Secondary DNS Entries (Slave Zone) This is how you create a Secondary DNS entry (Slave Zone): 1. Step: Open Slave Zone Form Click on 'New Slave'. 2. Step: Create Slave Zone 24

29 ISPConfig Documentation 25 Domain: Enter the domain that the Secondary DNS entry is for. DNS Master IP: Enter the IP address of the Primary DNS server of the domain. 3. Step: Save Click on 'Save' Edit DNS Entries. You can edit DNS entries as follows: Click on the menu 'DNS Manager'. In the structure tree click on the DNS entry to be edited. Delete DNS Entries: Open the entry and click on 'Delete'. The entry is now in the dustbin and can be restored from there. Search Function: You can search for whole DNS entries as well as A records, C Name records and MX records. Click on the button 'Search', select the corresponding document. Enter your search criteria and click on 'Continue'. A list with matches to your search criteria is displayed. Learn more about the search function in chapter II Statistics The ISPConfig statistics contain information about the usage of webspace and traffic. 5.1 Reseller Statistics By selecting the respective reseller in the structure tree you (as ISPConfig administrator) can view statistics about the traffic caused by the reseller. 25

30 ISPConfig Documentation 26 In the form 'ISP Reseller' (in the tab 'Statistics') you can find information about the web, and FTP traffic of the reseller, subdivided into the customers of the reseller. 5.2 Customer Statistics Customer statistics can also be seen by the corresponding reseller and are described in chapter II

31 ISPConfig Documentation Site Statistics Site statistics can also be seen by the corresponding reseller and are described in chapter II Webalizer Statistics Webalizer statistics can also be seen by the corresponding reseller and are described in chapter II Web FTP/Password Protection of Directories (.htaccess/.htpasswd) Web FTP is treated in chapter III 4. 7 Additional Software The following additional software is available for the ISPConfig system: Webmail: A browser interface for boxes. phpmyadmin: A browser interface for the administration of your MySQL databases. The software is available for free on the ISPConfig website and can be installed via the 'Update Manager' (see chapter I 2.5). After the installation you can find links for both applications under 'Tools'. 7.1 Webmail The application used as interface is called 'Uebimiau'. Further information can be found on the website of the Uebimiau project: The application can be accessed via the link under 'Tools' or via the folder 'webmail' which is located in the web of the ISPConfig system, thus where has to be replaced appropriately. 27

32 ISPConfig Documentation phpmyadmin Further information about phpmyadmin can be found under The application can be accessed via the link under 'Tools' or via the folder 'phpmyadmin' which is located in the web of the ISPConfig system, thus where has to be replaced appropriately. Appendix 1 Start/Stop the ISPConfig System The ISPConfig system can be started/stopped manually from the command line. Login to your command line as root and execute the following command: /etc/rc.d/init.d/ispconfig_server start stop restart (RedHat and Mandrake) or /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server start stop restart (SuSE and Debian). 2 Start/Stop vsftpd If you use vsftpd as FTP server on your system this service will not be run by inetd/xinetd after the installation of the ISPConfig system but by the ispconfig_tcpserver which comes with the ISPConfig system. This happens in order to make sure that vsftpd can handle one Anonymous FTP account per IP address. Under inetd/xinetd vsftpd can only handle one Anonymous FTP account per server 28

33 ISPConfig Documentation 29 even if the server has multiple IP addresses. In order to avoid this disadvantage compared to the proftpd server the ISPConfig system uses the ispconfig_tcpserver. vsftp can be started/stopped via the following command: /etc/rc.d/init.d/ispconfig_tcpserver start stop restart (RedHat and Mandrake) or /etc/init.d/ispconfig_tcpserver start stop restart (SuSE and Debian). If you use proftpd as FTP server nothing changes. 3 Cron Jobs The following Cron Jobs are run by the ISPConfig system: Command Description Time /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/logs.php &> /dev/null /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/ftp_logs.php &> /dev/null /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/mail_logs.php &> /dev/null /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/cleanup.php &> /dev/null /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php &> /dev/null /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/check_services.php &> /dev/null Analysis of the Apache log files for the ISPConfig traffic statistics Analysis of the FTP log files for the ISPConfig traffic statistics Analysis of the mail log files for the ISPConfig traffic statistics Deletion of the backups of webs that were deleted from the recycle bin Creation of Webalizer Statistics Monitoring (see chapter I 2.4.2) 4 Permissions of Folders in a Web created by ISPConfig In a newly created web you find the following folders with the following permissions: 23:59h 23:59h 23:59h 23:59h 04:00h once every 30 min. 29

34 ISPConfig Documentation 30 cgi bin: Here you can save Perl scripts that should be executed by the web server (if 'CGI Scripts' is activated for the site). log: This is the folder where the web server saves its log files for the site. ssl: If this is an SSL web you can find the necessary SSL files here (e.g. SSL request, SSL certificate). user: This is the folder where the home directories of the users belonging to the site are created. For the user 'testuser' you can find the directory 'testuser' under 'user'. web: This folder is the Document Root for the site, i.e. this is the place to save the files/folders that should be accessible via internet. If there is no administrator for the site (see chapter III 2.2.1), the folders belong to the user the Apache web server is running under by default (here 'nobody'); otherwise they belong to the administrator of the site (in this case 'web5_admin'). The group of the folders is always the group of the respective site, in this case 'web5'. 5 Manual Additions in Configuration Files Starting from version of ISPConfig you can write manual additions to the following configuration files (the additions will not be overwritten by the ISPConfig system): virtusertable (Sendmail/Postfix) local host names (Sendmail/Postfix) named.conf (BIND DNS Server) Zone Files (BIND DNS Server) Reverse Zone Files (BIND DNS Server) You will find one of the following two lines in each of these files: #### MAKE MANUAL ENTRIES BELOW THIS LINE! #### //// MAKE MANUAL ENTRIES BELOW THIS LINE! //// After this line you can write additional information in these files. Additions for the virtual host container of a site can be written to the field 'Apache Directives (Optional)' in the 'Basis' tab of the corresponding site (see chapter II 3.1). 30

35 II Reseller Manual 1 General 1.1 Login and Password After you have got the url of the ISPConfig system and your login data from your administrator you can login. Please go to the URL of your ISPConfig system (e.g. ; replace ' appropriately) with your Browser and enter your user name and your password into the form 'Login'. Confirm by clicking on 'Login'. Forgot your password? If you forgot your password please ask the ISPConfig administrator to help you. 1.2 Interface for Resellers The interface for resellers consists of the following sections: Menubar with the menus 'ISP Manager', 'Web FTP', 'Tools', 'Help' and 'Logout'. Buttons: Directly beneath the menubar you can find the buttons 'New client', 'New site', 'New folder' and 'Search'. Structure Tree: The structure tree is the storage system of the ISPConfig system. It manages all the sites and customers. By clicking on 'expand' (next to 'ISP Manager') all folders are opened. By clicking on 'collapse' the tree is closed. Sites can be assigned to customers (folder 'Clients') but do not have to be. Then you can find the sites in the customer independent folder 'Sites'. 31

36 ISPConfig Documentation ISPConfig Privileges for Resellers The privileges of a reseller in ISPConfig include those of a customer: Privileges of a Reseller Create and administrate customers, read their statistics Create and administrate webs Create DNS entries Privileges of a Customer Read a web's basic data and statistics Create and administrate users and boxes Create and administrate (sub)domains Apply for SSL certificates (optional) Administrate MySQL access data Privileges of a user Change the settings of his mailbox (password, spamfilter and antivirus settings) 1.4 Saving The ISPConfig system offers you two possibilities to save data you enter into a form: 'Save' Button: Click onto the 'Save' button to save your entries. The information will be submitted, and the structure tree as well as the start page will be reloaded in your browser. Change the tab: If a form consists of more than one tab you can simply change the tab to save your data. The data of the old tab will be saved, and the new tab will be loaded, whereas the structure tree will not be reloaded. This technique of saving data allows you to process forms with more than one tab in one pass and is one of the main characteristics of ISPConfig. 1.5 Changing the ISPConfig Password You can edit your ISPConfig password under 'Tools' > 'Change Password'. 32

37 ISPConfig Documentation 33 Please enter your current and your new password (2x) into the form 'Change Password' and click on 'Save'. 1.6 Language Settings You can set the language of your ISPConfig system under 'Tools' > 'Change Language'. In the form 'Change Language' select the language the system should use for you and click on 'Save'. 33

38 ISPConfig Documentation 34 Please note: The language setting only affects your own account. Other users of the ISPConfig system (other resellers or customers) can select their language individually. 1.7 Display of Passwords in the ISPConfig System Passwords that you entered in the ISPConfig system (e.g. reseller or customer passwords for accessing the ISPConfig system; passwords for customers' MySQL databases) will not be displayed in the ISPConfig system for security reasons after they were saved! Thus, an empty password field in an ISPConfig form does not mean that no password was entered before. An existing password does not get displayed after the reload of the respective form. 1.8 Help Click onto the menu item 'Help'. Here you will find the reseller and customer manual in English and German in PDF format as well as links to the knowledgebase on the Projektfarm website. 34

39 ISPConfig Documentation 35 In addition to that you can find a question mark next to many input fields in the ISPConfig system: If you click on the question mark a small pop up window with context sensitive help will open. 2 Customers Customer management is done via the structure tree. The default folder is the folder Clients. There you can save customers but you may also create new subfolders (e.g. Customers A K, Customers L Z ) (see chapter II 4.1.1). 35

40 ISPConfig Documentation Add a Customer A customer can be added as follows: 1. Step: Open the form 'ISP Reseller'. Click on the button 'New Client'. The form 'ISP Client' with the opened tab 'Master Data' appears. 2. Step: Assign title, folder and master data Title: This is the title for the customer in the structure tree. Folder: Select the folder 'Customers'. Alternatively you can create your own folders for customers. These folders will appear in the drop down menu. The creation of folders is described in chapter II Master Data: Enter the master data of your customer. Some of the fields are optional. Save Customers: By clicking on 'Save' the customer is saved and appears in the structure tree under the title you provided. Click on the newly created customer to carry out further 36

41 ISPConfig Documentation 37 tasks. OR: By clicking on the button 'Limits' you can go directly to the next step. The master data is saved, but the structure tree does not get updated yet. The update happens when you click on 'Save' or on 'ISP Manager' in the menubar. 3. Step: Add / Manage Sites Under the tab 'Site Management' a customer's sites can be controlled. You can also add new sites. Sites can also be added subsequently. 4. Step: Assign Access Data Go to the tab 'Enter information '. User Name: Acustomer's username should be unique. Password: Enter the customer's password for logging in to the ISPConfig system. As soon as you click on 'Save' the password becomes invisible in the password field. If a customer forgets his password you can reset it here. 5. Step: Enter Billing Information (Optional) On the tab 'Bill' you can enter the information required for billing (address, invoice amount, billing intervals, payment arrangements). This information is optional. 6. Step: Save Click on 'Save'. 2.2 Edit Customer Data In the structure tree of the ISP Manager open the folder 'Clients' and click on the customer you want to edit. Make the desired changes in the form 'ISP Client' and click on 'Save'. 3 Sites Change Title: In some cases it might be necessary to change the title of a customer, e.g. if a second customer with the same name (such as Miller) has registered. Change a Customer's Master Data: If the address, telephone number etc. of a customer change, you can update the customer in the tab 'Master Data' and click on 'Save'. Change Password: A new password can be set simply by filling out the field 'Password'. Billing Information: Click on the section 'Billing Information' to edit a customer's information. Add / Edit Sites: See chapter II 3. Delete a Customer: Open the customer's form and click on 'Delete'. Please note: A customer can only be deleted if no sites are assigned to him. Site management can be handled in two ways: customer dependent and customer independent. Customer dependent Site Management: The tab 'Site Management' in the customer's 37

42 ISPConfig Documentation 38 form lists a customer's sites. By clicking on 'New' you can add new sites for the customer (see chapter II 3.1). By clicking on the IP address of a site you can see the site's details and make changes if necessary. Customer independent Site Management: In the folder 'Sites' you can find customer independent sites. This assignment is done in the form header of the respective site in the field 'Folder'. The customer independent management of sites allows sites to be ordered by criteria such as the size of a site. 3.1 Adding a Site A site is added as follows: 1. Step: Open the form 'ISP Sites'. In the structure tree of the menu 'ISP Manager' click on the customer to whom you want to assign the site. (If you want to add a site for a new customer, please add the customer first as described in chapter II 2.1.) The form 'ISP Client' shows up. Click on the tab 'Site Management'. Click on the button 'New'. If you have created hostingplans before (over the button 'Hostingplan'), then select the appropriate hostingplan for the new site now, otherwise select 'Individual Settings'. 38

43 ISPConfig Documentation 39 The form 'ISP Site' appears. 2. Step: Assign title, folder and basic information. Title: This is the title under which the site will appear in the structure tree. Folder: Select the folder 'Sites'. Alternatively you have the possibility to create a new folder for the sites which you then can select here. Learn how to create folders in chapter II Server: Select the server that will host the site. Hostname: Enter the hostname (e.g. www). Domain: Enter the domain of the site (e.g. 39

44 ISPConfig Documentation 40 IP Address: Enter the IP address of the site. Create DNS: Click on 'Create DNS' to create a DNS entry for the current site. After you have provided the other information for the site and have clicked on 'Save' the DNS entry is created and can be edited by the administrator if necessary. 3. Step: Limit webspace, users and domains. Space MB: Enter the amount of MB that should be available to the site (' 1' means 'Unlimited'). Max. User: Enter the maximum number of users with boxes that can be assigned to the site (' 1' means 'Unlimited'). Max. Domains: Enter the maximum number of co domains that can be set up for the site (' 1' means 'Unlimited'). 4. Step: Activate site features. Shell Access: Allows the customer to use the linux shell. This is a security risk and should therefore only be granted in exceptional cases. Shell access includes FTP access. CGI Scripts: Allows the web server to execute cgi scripts in a certain directory (cgi bin). PHP Scripts: Allows the web server to execute PHP scripts (file extensions.php,.php3,.php4). SSI: Activates Server Side Includes (SSI) (file extension.shtml). FTP Access: Allows the users assigned to a site to access the site or the users' directories via ftp. MySQL: Enables the creation of a database which is assigned to the site. If you supply a user name and password for the MySQL database in the tab 'Other' the database will be created automatically. SSL Certificate: Enables the creation of an SSL certificate for the site. You still have to fill out the section 'SSL' and select 'Create Certificate' in that section to create the certificate. Learn more about applying for an SSL certificate in chapter III If this field is not activated the tab 'SSL' is not shown! Please note: There can be only one SSL capable site per IP address! Anonymous FTP: Activate this to create an Anonymous FTP account for this site. Please note: There can be only one Anonymous FTP account per IP address! Anon. FTP MB: Please specify the storage space in MB that should be available for the Anonymous FTP account. ' 1' means 'Unlimited'. If 'Anonymous FTP' is not activated this field is ignored. Apache Direktives (Optional): This field is available to you as a reseller only if the ISPConfig administrator has activated it for you. It offers you the opportunity to write additional Apache directives into the site's virtual host container manually. These directives will undergo a syntax check. If the syntax check gives back an error the directives will be commented out automatically so that the Apache web server cannot die. 5. Step: User administration. On the tab 'User & ' in the form 'ISP Site' new users are added / existing ones are managed. Learn more on how to add users in chapter III

45 ISPConfig Documentation Step: Domain administration. On the tab 'Co Domains' new co domains are added / existing ones are managed. Learn more on how to add co domains in chapter III Step: Save. Click on 'Save'. 3.2 Edit Sites In order to edit a site you have to open the corresponding site form first. This can be done in two ways: Customer dependent: In the structure tree click on the customer whose site you want to edit. Then click on the folder 'Sites' and select the site you wish to edit. Customer independent: In the structure tree click on the folder 'Sites' and select the site which is to be edited. The form 'ISP Site' is loaded. Enter your changes and click on 'Save'. Change Title/Folder: In some cases it might be useful to change the title of a site and/or to move it to another folder. Simply enter a new title and/or select the new folder. Change Basic Data: Here you can change the basic data (host, domain, IP address). Change Limits (Webspace, Users, Domains): The shown limits can be changed by entering new values. ' 1' means 'Unlimited'. Create DNS Entry: Check 'Create DNS' and click on 'Save'. Change Access Data of a Site: As a reseller you are allowed to change the access information of a site (customers are not).to do so, go to the section 'Access Data' and enter the username and the password. Add/Edit Co Domains/Users: See chapters III 2.2 and III 2.3. Extend/Restrict Site Features: Features can be activated/deactivated with hindsight. Simply select/deselect the corresponding checkboxes in the tab 'Basis'. Delete Sites: Click on the button 'Delete'. The site will then be moved to the recycle bin. There you have two possibilities: restore the site or delete it finally (see chapter II 4.3). 3.3 Hostingplans By clicking on the button 'Hostingplan' you can create hostingplans (e.g. package 'Professional' with 200 MB webspace, CGI, PHP, 3 MySQL databases, etc.). If you create a new site, you can select one of your previously defined hostingplans. The form for creating a new site will then show the properties of the selected hostingplan. If you do not want to use a hostingplan to create a site you can select 'Individual Settings'. 41

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